Ramadhan Beckons by Ms Basirat Atif
Welcoming Ramadhan
Alhamdulillah, once again we are blessed to welcome the month of Ramadhan. A month of purification when gates of Paradise are opened and Allah showers His mercy on the believers.
Believers all over the world anxiously wait for this month so they can do many good deeds and get closer to their Lord. There is no doubt that this month is full of blessings when one gets a chance to transform him/herself for the better.
However, this year is going to be a little different.
This year’s challenges
Everyone is aware of the current situation in the world. COVID-19 has affected the entire world and sadly many Muslims might not able to pray in the congregation.
Their apprehensions about being locked down even in this blessed month are also understandable as there is a chance that people might not be able to offer the Tarawih in congregation either.
Our response
But let’s all stay positive and do not let ourselves be affected by all the challenges and negativities around us. After all, the purpose of Ramadhan is to develop patience and spend one’s focus, time and energy for his/her betterment rather than complain and whine about the current situation.
Besides, Allah’s rewards are not limited to mosques, we can always achieve rewards even at home.
Many websites like TRTWorld and mirror.co.uk have talked in detail about how this pandemic could affect Ramadhan all over the world, while many others are offering suggestions on how to spend our Ramadhan with this lockdown.
So let us focus on what is in our control and look at some of the things we can do to make our Ramadhan productive.
There are numerous resources available online which will help in organizing your time and also help you assess yourself on a daily basis so that you can become a better version of yourself by the end of the month. A file is enclosed in this article.
Planning for Ramadhan in COVID-19
1. Family Qur’an time
Use this lockdown to maximize your reading time with the Qur’an as it is a month of Qur’an after all.
You can also sit with your family and read the stories of various prophets, nations, etc. from the Tafsir of the Qur’an.
You could also help each other memorizing new Surahs or Du’aas from the Qur’an by learning some portion yourself and reciting it to your family members and vice versa.
All family members can also sit together to learn tajweed either online or from someone who is already well versed with it in the household.

2. Prayer leader
Young boys can lead their family members in prayers, salah and tarawih.
3. Let me help you
Boys and girls can help their mothers in the kitchen and other house chores as your focus is gaining rewards from Allah.
4. Joint du’aas
You can sit with your family for a joint du’aa just before the Iftar as it is the best time to make du’aa or in the tahajjud time as well. Whatever time suits you, do set up a time where everyone is making du’aa together.
5. Daily Planner
It is god to plan and keep a track on how much of the plan has been achieved. There are many Ramadhan Planners available and you could download them on your smartphones or get them printed to document your activities in Ramadhan. Each day as you make progress, share your progress with your family and celebrate the success.
These are just some of the activities that one can do with their family. Hope you like these suggestions.
You can even come up with your own ideas as well. The goal here is to have as much productive time together as possible.
Ms. B. Atif
Lead Teacher, Islamiyat
Middle Section, Generation’s School
Download Ramadhan Planner, suitable for all age groups.
Download My Ramadhan Journal for Children
And if you’d like to assess your daily activities, download the Self Assessment sheet.
Tag:coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, ramadan, ramadhan